
We made the commute to Sirince with Huseyin to a little old hotel. Nice. We skipped dinner and went to bed, airline protocol has felt like we're eating and sitting too much. Plus we're tired.

It'd be nice if our bags arrived, right now we have nothing. Actually we have a decent little Turkish airlines kit, plus we both pack our carry ons to make do of this happens. The Turkish kit comes with a formidable amount of shaving product, which makes sense for them.

Breakfast reminded me of Colombia in some ways. We're outside the bounds of processes foods. Couple cheeses, real bread and butter, tapenade, eggs, olives, marmalade a and jams filled with fruits and cloves and cinnamon sticks, cucumbers and tomatoes and sour cream with paprika. Awesome. Fennel tea and honey.

Mustafa at the hotel is trying to find our luggage and we're checking out the little town.


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