Bus driving, marmalades

We've now been told our luggage never made it past Toronto. We're fine with what we have for a while actually. 

Gas and diesel are twice our cost dispite proximity to Iran, Iraq, etc. Freshness of foods, and spice availability is mind blowing. Marmalades and jams are superior. Today we had tomato marmalade and pumpkin marmalade. Even the classic orange stuff has left me with enough impression that Smuckers will forever remain over sugared and under par.

Olive oil is everywhere. Surprisingly, vinegar is not. But what you say is sitting right next to the oil? Something I could get really used to. Pomegranate reduction. I wouldn't really say syrup as it's not so sweet, it's just concentrated awesome delicious.

We listen to classical music in the car. Huseyin was in the army, got shot through the side on the Iraq border, and one of his lower vertebra exploded in like 8 pieces. He spent two years lying down. He then became a long haul bus driver for 15 years brining people from Tehran, Mosul, Kirkuk, Baghdad, Mecca, Jeddah, Jordan to shop in Istanbul. This was inclusive of the Iraq war and pretty much all the subsequent skirmishes in the area. The bus had beds and he had a stove to cook in the bus and he swears in 15 years he never got out in those countries which surprises me, but he was adamant on that exact point and I think we were having good comprehension then. He said he was a robot driver and had no life but got enough danger pay to now live more happily in Turkey. The amounts he told us would be good for living in south Turkey, but wouldn't leave us desirous of the lifestyle by any stretch. He sees his wife and kids more with this job.


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