Laguna observations

We went for a half hour run this morning.  My body was in a state of confusion that aerobic activity without rubber clad circles was occurring, but I toughed it out.

The most notable observation other than coastal beauty was cars.  There are absolutely fantastic vehicles here, and then there aren't.  In this area the weighting seems to be to the upper end of the division.  Our accommodation comes with a supercharged Range Rover to make it  to Albertson's which is a 3 minute walk away.

Interestingly enough, we ended up also running through some canyon drive on the other side of the highway, we did hills through a trailer park.  It was a very nice one, I don't think the structures ever move, so they were landscaped nice.  But they too had Cadillacs, Range Rovers, Porsches, Lexus and Benz's in the driveways.

Is this symbolic of poor priority by "investing" in depreciating assets first and low allocation to more permanent capital investments?  Is it those who fell out during the crash and had to move here?  Or is it positive - those who make smart allocations because vehicles last "forever" in this climate therefore a different view on depreciation is incorporated and it's de rigueur to look good?  Or positive that people want this postal code/climate but won't pay the established prices for the locations?


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